Blog by Improve My World

Improve My World Living compulsively is living from ego, in fear, in blame, in desire, in despair, in tension, in time, in future expectation. It’s messy. It’s painful. It’s injurious to health...

Living compulsively is living from ego, in fear, in blame, in desire, in despair, in tension, in time, in future expectation. It’s messy. It’s painful. It’s injurious to health...

Posted on: 27th April 2022

The doors into the unknown but real world, can only be crossed by living ‘consciously’ rather than ‘compulsively’ and by radically shifting perception.

Living compulsively is living from ego, in fear, in blame, in desire, in despair, in tension, in time, in future expectation. It’s messy. It’s painful. It’s injurious to health...

Living consciously is living now, in active surrender to ‘what is’, awake, open, in gratitude, with compassion, with understanding, with responsibility, in wisdom, in calm. It is beautiful, peaceful and beneficial to health.

To move from compulsion to consciousness means taking quiet time to self-reflect, to observe and confront ego and ‘shadow’, to create objectivity, to be open and present, to live and love Life, to nurture and celebrate friendships and relationships. It is to ‘let go’. It is true freedom!

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