Blog by Improve My World

Improve My World I am always amazed and horrified at what these humans do. It would be a source of infinite amusement were it not so terribly serious.

I am always amazed and horrified at what these humans do. It would be a source of infinite amusement were it not so terribly serious.

Posted on: 27th June 2021

Even though they have everything, they seem utterly determined to destroy their beautiful world, their miracle of a planet, the clean air they breathe, the pure water they drink, the food they eat...and each other...with us, the animal world and the flora and fauna in the process.

Why can’t they change course and learn to be kind and compassionate, learn to protect rather than destroy, learn to control themselves and raise their level of consciousness and become decent, unselfish, generous and gentle? It seems so obvious to me! I just don’t get it!’

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